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msGUIDE coordinator speaking at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF2024)
The msGUIDE coordinator Dimitris Gorpas gave a talk at the Thessaloniki International Fair 2024 about >Fluorescence Molecular Imaging, through it’s “red-flag” operation enables earlier, faster and personalized disease detection and surgical guidance<Read More »msGUIDE at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF2024)
The msGUIDE team was present at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF2024) at the stand B41 Helmholtz Munich in the German Pavillion (Hall 13). Germany was the honored guest country at TIF2024 and more than 120 German companies and research insitutes presented themselves in their own hall covering …Read More »msGUIDE fluorescence standards publication featured by JBO
Our msGUIDE study on standardization and benchmarking of FMI systems is featured by the Journal of Biomedical Optics! Read the paper by Elena Kriukova et al. (2024) Impact of signal-to-noise ratio and contrast definition on the sensitivity assessment and benchmarking of fluorescence molecular imaging systems. Journal of …Read More »World IBD Day 19th May 2023
Today is World IBD Day 2023 and we at msGUIDE want to support raising awarenesss for the millions of people worldwide in their fight against #Crohns disease and ulcerative #colitis, known as inflammatory bowel diseases. Take a look at where you can find more information about …Read More »msGUIDE at the Digestive Disease Week, Chicago
UMCG introduced msGUIDE and the work on fluorescently labelled drugs distribution and target cells in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in an oral presentation at the Digestive Disease Week (DDW) conference in Chicago in May 2023. DDW is the most prestigious meeting in the world for GI …Read More »msGUIDE at the Forscha fair – Munich Science Days
The Helmholtz Munich communications department together with the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI; msGUIDE coordinator) organized a joint participation and booth at the FORSCHA – Münchner Wissenschaftstage. This fair lasted three days from 5-7 May 2023 in the city center of Munich, attracted around 8000 …Read More »msGUIDE at 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, EMIM 2023
msGUIDE coordinator Dimitris Gorpas (HMGU) presented the work on the standardization and quality control of FME systems during the Optical Standardization Working Group at the 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, EMIM 2023, in Salzburg, 14-17 March 2023.Read More »msGUIDE first investigational device approved for clinical study
The first investigational device within the msGUIDE consortium! Recently our new system was approved in the UMCG for clinical research. Using this new FME system we can track fluorescent labeled IBD drugs to improve treatment.Read More »msGUIDE featured in the MIBE takeover
What a nice collaboration of the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI/ Helmholtz Munich) with the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the Technical University of Munich (MIBE) with a ”#MIBEtakeover” on Twitter, where IBMI PhD students from the msGUIDE coordinator Dimitris Gorpas’ Fluorescene Imaging lab …Read More »msGUIDE at BENIMID Benelux Immunology Forum 2022
Dr. Wouter Nagengast (UMCG) introduced msGUIDE in his talk “Fluorescence molecular endoscopy in drug penetration & IMID response prediction” at the BENIMID Benelux Immunology Forum 2022, which brings together Benelux clinical experts and leading research scientists in the fields of rheumatology, dermatology, and gastroenterology to discuss recent …Read More »msGUIDE kickoff meeting in Munich
Hard to stay serios when you are happy 🙂 the msGUIDE consortium has gathered on 28-29 June 2022 at the campus of the coordinator at Helmholtz Munich. Apart from familiarizing with each other, we defined the plan and time-line for the first year of the project. Read More »msGUIDE has started!
msGUIDE has officially started on April 1st, 2022. The goal of msGUIDE is to develop a highly sensitive novel imaging technology consisting of a Near-Infrared Fluorescence and Reflectance Multispectral Imaging (NIR-FRMI) unit integrated into a never before seen High-definition White Light Endoscope (HD-WLE) to quantify drug distribution …Read More »
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